Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

I wanna tell you someting! it's secret :p

okeeee... gue mau cerita sedikit tentang gue, iya gue bakal ceritain tentang diri gue sendiri menurut pengamatan gue.haha udah ya! langsung aja gak pake basa basi..

gue terlahir sebagai sosok anak yang bisa dibilang pemalas,iya pemalas dirumah gue emang bener-bener jarang bantuin nyokap gue, tapi ntah kenapa kalo gue mau bebenah rumah itu ketika rumah kosong alias cuma gue yang ada dirumah itu , yaaa entah kenapa gue rajin benenahnya pas gak ada orang dirumah mungkin kalo gue bebenah pasa da orang rumah gengsi juga kaliyaaa yg tadinya males tiba2 mendadak rajin haha. tapi...... gue teteplah seorang anak yang gak bisa apa-apa tanpa orang tua terutama nyokap. jadi.... kalaupun gue lagi melakukan suatu kegiatan dan gue disuruh gue selalu sigap buat ngerjain itu semua sebagai anak yang baik ya gue nurut sama nyokap tercintah....
dan satu kebanggaan gue, gue bisa dampingin nyokap gue diwisuda tahun kemaren

semogaaaaaaaaa , nanti mama bisa dampingin Dinda pas wisuda juga yaaah ;)) amin :D

dan.... yang ini nih gue paling aneh , gue sendiri juga nggak ngerti kenapa bisa bengini,gue panik kalo gue sampe beneran nyadar kalo gue salah masuk jurusan HAHAHAHAHA lol.
gue sekolah di salah satu sekolah perawat *aduh please yang kenal gue jangan bilang gue salah masuk jurusan*LOL. gue sekolah di sekolah perawat karena permnintaan nyokap gua *kapan lagi coba gue berbakti* gue jalanin sekolah disana, hari demi hari gue makin gak nyaman, ini emang engga murni permintaan gue, gue juga ada sedikit ketertarikan sama dunia kesehatan, yang bisa nyembuhin orang sakit , tapi..... semakin lama lingkungan gue berubah karena adanya Lappo , dia itu teman dan pacar yang sabar banget ngadepin gue kalo gue lagi bete, dia bisa aja ngehibur gue,tapi si Lappo engga bakal bisa apa-apa tanpa dedem, mereka harus disatukan dan di jodohkan bila perlu. walaupun gue gak tau mereka itu cewek apa cowok, dan yang gue khawatir, kalo dia sejenis , gue pasti bakalan berdosa besar kerena telah mendukung hubungan sejenis :o. okay FOKUS.... nah gara-gara si Lapdem itu gue jadi hobby banget ngutak-ngatik apapun yang ada didalam dirinya HAHAHA*bukan cabul eh!* entah yaaaa, gue lebih tertarik mempelajari Lapdem dari pada harus manusia, memang sih dia ini benda mati, tapu gue yakin dia bisa berbicara kok! *yang waras ngalah* kalo rusak, pasti bisa dibenerin dan kalo emang bener2 rusak gak bisa dibenerin tinggal buang beli baru *begitu kata orang kaya* . nah kalau manusia? masa iya rusak langsung dibuang beli baru, emang ada yang jual? HAHAHA, dan tanggung jawab berurusan dengan nyawa seseorang itu adalah hal yang sulit. sangat sulit!!
banyak temen-temen gue bilang *gue sebenernya anti sama kalimat ini* '' LO SALAH MASUK JURUSAN DINDA!!" nah.... iya tuh dia tuh kalimat yang bikin gue enggak pede tiap melangkah kesekolah -___-
temen-temen gue liat gue lebih bisa dibidang IT, yang berurusan sama komputer dan koneksi, tapi..... kalian harus tau.. pilihan orang tua itu lebih baik*tapi enggak dlm hal jodoh,gue udah punya pilihan sendiri* , oke! gue anggap itu semua cuma hobby dan hobby yang gak perlu gue kepoin dari mana asal usul itu. dan gue sebagai remaja LABIL, kalo liat yang baru sedikit pasti mau ikutan!!!!!!!. belakangan ini gue sering ngikutin gaya serial barat PRETTY LITTLE LIARS gue kenal serial itu karena guru gue yang gaul itu yang kenalin gue sama PLL *gue gak tau jenis kelaminnya dia itu apa* haha. yang jelas gue suka sama gaya semua pemain, dan yang mau gue tiru itu si-A dia itu hebat, bisa ngirim sms tanpa nyantumin nomor hape, dan dia juga kayaknya ada di mana-mana, dan pokoknya keren. mau tau kayak apa si-A itu? nonton PLL makanya :D haha
bukan serial TV aja yg mau gue ikutin para pemain, atau cara dia melakukan sesuatu, di FILM juga gak kalah exited nya gue sama itu. film itu adalah MISSION IMPOSSIBLE tau kaan filmya seperti apa?? dia itu salah satu Agen rahasia yang tujuannya *gue gak tau pasti* maklumlah lagi nonton malah bercanda haha, yang dibilang keren itu apa? lagi-lagi IT nyaaaaaaaaa!!! woi IT nyaaaaaaa !! :D :D dan cara dia menjalankan tugas dengan rapih dan serahasia mungkin, itu semua AWESOME.gue pengen jadi bagian dari mereka
yaaa.... seperti itulah gue kalau melihat sesuatu yang menurut gue keren, pasti gue bakalan ikutin.
lanjut ke SALAH JURUSAN...
entah itu memang kebetulan, tapi disini gue liat dengan mata kepala hidung gue sendirir dan memang gue yang mengalami hal itu temen-temen gue, sering nanya tentang komputer sama gue,dan..... you know? gue adalah salah satu siswa yang salah dipilih oleh orang yang sangat gue benci di sekolah sebagai pemegang WEBSITE SEKOLAH!!gue di percaya sebagai salah satu distributor mereka. temen-temen gue juga suka minta bikinin email, dan minta ajarin buat cara ini itu, bagi ilmu ga apa-apakan? hihi ,gue seneng disini karena gue bisa lebih dibutuhkan oleh mereka. salah satu guru gue disekolah bilang '' tandanya kamu punya kelebihan dibanding yang lain '' gue enggak sama sekali keberatan buat ngajarin mereka cara bikin email, kirim email,atau yang lainnya, selama gue bisa gue bakal bantu, dan gue seneng bisa bantu mereka. gue sering tanya fungsi ini itu sama guru KKPI gue, dan kalo kita ngobrol temen-temen satu kelas diam,dan mendengarkan debatan gue sama guru gue itu, perbedaan pendapat itu pastinya ada, dan pengetahuan gue tantang IT itupin masih kurang bangte, temen gue di luar sana rata-rata kuliah di jurusan IT dan gue sering bertanya karena Lappo gue sering ngambek!!!! -___-. kadang , kita sendiri sebagai pemakai gak menyadari bahwa benda elektronik itu adalah benda mati, tapi kenapa orang sering berbicara seperti ini '' ah.... kenapa sih lu, gak mau ngertii gue banget, rusak mulu '' haduhhhh itu kesalahan fatal, gue sendiri pun sering bertingkah seperti itu :P. tapi.... sebenarnya yang harusnya di salahain itu PENGGUNA bukan APA YANG DIGUNAKAN! karena yang digunakan pengguna adalah BENDA MATI dia gak bisa bicara , apalagi bernafas, jadi wajar kalo dia kadang suka error, tandanya butuh istitahat :D

dan tandanya juga kita harus berpisah *apaan sih din?* haha
iyaaa , itu rahasia gue jangan sampe ada yang bilang ke nyokap gue! awas aja.... x_x

okay byeee :*
love you HATTERS :))

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Pretty Little Liars Quotes bye Sara Shepard

"I'm still here, bitches. And I know everything." -A"

"Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret."

 "Never under estimate a pretty little liar."

"Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it"

 "Don't get too comfortable. It's not over until I say it is. -A"

   "Strangers see you the way you want them to see you. You can't fool friends…that's what makes them friends...

"The sweetest smiles hold the darkest secrets..."

 "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the naughtiest of them all?"

 "I suppose I could let bygones be bygones, forgive and forget, yadda yadda. But where's the fun in that? These pretty little bitches got everything I ever wanted, and now I'm going to make sure they get exactly what they deserve. Does that make me sound awful? Sorry, but as every pretty little liar knows, sometimes the truth's ugly-and it always hurts.
I'll be watching....

"She still felt like a punked-out, faux-leather-wearing, free-thinking Bratz doll in a sea of Pretty Princess of Preppyland Barbies."

  "Sometimes, I don't notice I'm singing."

  "Aria: I went to Hollis. Because I was looking know. Her. She was teaching an art class, so I ran inside, grabbed a paintbrush, and painted a scarlet A across her chest. You know, like that woman in The Scarlet Letter? It was awesome. She didn't know what hit her. And then I said, 'Now everyone will know what you've done'.
Ella: Do you realize that Hester Prynne is supposed to be a sympathetic character?"
"When someone covets something they desire and lust over it.Usually it's something they can't have. You've always had that problem..."

  "Did you really believe I was Toby? Puh-lease. I would have killed myself too. I mean, honestly - ew. He totally had it coming. Karma's a bitch, and so am I - just ask Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer...."

  "You know what they say about hope. It breeds eternal misery!"

"Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead"

 "Its more fun to think of the future than dwell on the past."

  "I'll be watching.''

  "The best secrets are the most twisted"

  "That's immortality my darlings" Spencer said."

  "Pennsylvania." The boys nodded appreciatively, as if Abby had said Emily was from Naughty Dirty Sex Land"

  "Or perhaps all those things you missed upon first glance mean much more than you could ever guess."
"Only two can keep a secret if on of them is dead."

",the rest of the girls pretended not to notice. That's just what best friends do."

"I kind of have to go to the bathroom," Aria said woozily.
Ezra smiled. "Can I come?"

"She knew too much. -A"

"I was afraid that a bee had flown into my pants, and I thought the bee was going to sting me, and so i yelled out in terror."
— Ezra Fitz

"Don't believe everything you hear"
"Penn station", Ali said to the driver, slamming the door. Then she turned back to Hanna. "We ditch the bitches", she said. "And then we take them down"."

"But then Klaudia's lips curled ino a conniving smile."Actually, Aria, I'm going to fuck your boyfriend. Tonight."
Aria started at her. It felt like Klaudia had just punched her in the throat. "Excuse me?"
Klaudia scooted closer to Aria. "I'm going to fuck your boyfried," she said again -in textbook-perfect English. "Tonight. And there's nothing you can do about it."

"Here you go, dear."" The corners of Mrs. Colbert's mouth curled up. "You like meat, don't you?"
Emily blinked. Was it her, or did that statement seem...loaded? She checked Issac for his reaction, but he was innocently selecting a roll from a wicker basket. "Uh, thanks." Emily said, pulling the platter toward her. She did like meat. The kind you, um, eat."

"... I ask, 'Do you think Dylan's telling the truth?'
Daisy checks her face in a little mirror, then hands it to Jazz. 'You want me to find out?'
'Let's not ruin it by calling them liars.'
'...I won't ruin it. I've got this special way of getting the truth out of Dylan.'
'How?' I ask.
'I kick him in the balls.'
'That's pretty special."

"Two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead."

"But Mike was like a Bjork song-all happy and giddy and fun on the surface, but bubbling with turmoil and pain underneath."
"There are some remedies worse than disease."

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the naughtiest of them all? You told so you are next."

"The obstacle is the path."

 "You know what they say about hope. It breeds eternal misery."

  "She hated their new nickname. It made them sound like deranged Barbie dolls."

  "Hell is other people."

  "Hey!' she said, punching Hanna's arm hard. 'Where have you been, bitch? I've been looking all over for you!"

"Go now. Alone. Or I make good on my promise.

"SPENCER: Hide and seek was my favorite game with Melissa. You want to know why? I always won."

"Mike drank straight from the carton, wiped his mouth, and stared at her. "You've been acting freaky. Are you high? Can I have some if you are?"

"Before you enbark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

"There's a lot you can't tell about people, looking in from the outside"

"You can never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret"

"Hannakins: I know you guys are living out your own private Romeo and Juliet love story, but remember: Both of them die in Act V. -A"

"He smiled. "You’re into me, I can tell."

"I’m not into you," I said hotly. Hotly, because as soon as the words left my lips, sparklers erupted on top of my head.

Hudson looked at them, and a grin spread across his face. The baby cooed and reached out, trying to grab the flaring light. Hudson moved farther away. "Don’t touch. Just look at Mommy’s pretty liar hat."

He was enjoying this way too much. "Okay," I said. "Maybe I like you a little."

The sparklers dimmed, but didn’t go out.

Hudson raised an eyebrow.

"All right," I said, nervously eyeing the area to make sure no one saw us. "I’m into you."

The sparklers died, but I didn’t wait around for more commentary. I headed to the inn. Behind me I heard Hudson still talking to the baby. "Yes, we like Mommy’s flaming hairdo, don’t we?"

"It's about taking everything you thought was true and throwing it out the window. It's about embracing life's unpredictability, letting go of boundaries, and starting over"

"She felt like Lady in Lady and the Tramp, one of Hanna's favorite movies as a kid. When Jim Dear and Darling had a new baby, they kicked Lady to the curb. Except Hanna didn't even have a scruffy bad-boy stray she could run off with because her supposed boyfriend was going to be hundreds of miles away soaking up sunshine on a nude beach with a skank."

"Fine,' Aria conceded. 'But *I'll* carry her.' She grabbed the baby seeat from the back. A smell of baby powder wafted up to greet her, bringing a lump in her throat. Her father Byron, and his girlfriend, Meredith, had just had a baby, and she loved Lola with all her heart. If she looked too long at this baby, she might love her just as much."

"If the next car passed is blue, Violet will be okay, she thought. If it's red, A will do something horrible to her.
She heard a growl of an engine and shut her eyes, afraid to see what the future might hold. She'd never cared so much about anything in her life. Just as the car was passing, she opened her eyes and saw a Mercedes hood ornament. She let out a long sigh, tears coming to her eyes once more.
The car was blue."

"Knowing the right questions is better than knowing all the right answers" Caleb from Pretty Little Liars (TV Show)"

"It’s not so important who starts the game but who finishes it."


- everyday i miss you, but i don't have the reason . is it love?
- i'm not perfect because i'm not GOD
- I'm jealous because i'm normal
- even that i'm yours, i'm happy because i still can see your smile :)
- my heart door doesn't have an alarm. so when you get in to my heart, i don't know when it's started :)
- dear karma, i have list of people you missed
- the past history the future is a mystery this moment you have now is a gift
- can you hear my voice? i really miss you so badly and it's true
- i don't hate you for not loving me anymore, but sometimes i hate my self for loving you
- do't go away from me, i'm afraid to loosing you
- i have no reason to say i love you, because my hearts say '' I LOVE YOU ''
- Believe me, one day i will back for you and i will be perfect for you even that you don't know me ;)
-i write my feelings in twitter not in my diary becaise i wan't you to read and realize my bog love to you
- no matter who you are, or where you may be, you can do something to change the world for the better
- i don't love you like yesterday but i love you more than yesterday.

kekasihku ....... yang aku sayang

maaf aku tidak bisa mengabarimu beberapa minggu ini, aku sakit bukan karena tubuhku yang sakit. tapi karena perasaanku juga, aku nggak mau kamu juga merasakannya sama sepertiku.

kamu tau? sakit hati itu tidak ada obatnyadibandingkan dengan sakit badan. aku tak akan berbasa bais panjang lebar, aku cuma ingin mengatakan aku sadar aku tak sebaik yang kamu mau, aku terlalu manja buat kamu.

aku sudah pernah bilang, kalau aku mencintai kamu? aku lega mengatakan itu dan aku tak berharap kamu mengatakankamu juga mencintaiku. karena kalau kamu mengatakannya, kamu berati berbohong padaku.

aku berterima kasih padamu , karena kamu aku tau apa artinya cinta, karena kamu aku tau artinya tidak bersyarat. pesan ku hanya satu, cukup aku yang kamu khiananti, jagan perempuan lainyang akan menjadi kekasihmu di kemudian hari.

aku pernah berfikir kamulah cinta terakhirku, dan aku membuktikan kalau kamu benar-benar cinta terakhirku

blamming me again , if you want go a head :) I'M OKAY

I know this is my fault, but could not stop blaming me? I've tried to explain it and apologize and you can forgive me right? why can not you forget it all? I guess because you have forgiven me everything is fine again, but .... it seems not! I know, I was overreacting to the issue, but you should know, if I really do not like it if you mention his name again even though just a joke!  until now you have to forgive me right? then why last night you said you've forgiven me? If reality does not have instead changed everything worse and harder to return to the beginning again. you know if we fight hard for it and WHY still repeated? What it's one of your hobby? repeating the same events and never want to be blamed? if you do not want to happen like that, I PLEASE do not ever make me upset, because if I'm upset and angry, you could be more angry than I am.

tomorrow is the day that the six-month anniversary, I do not know it would be a happy anniversary or the anniversary failed. I can only pray wrote it all back as the beginning.

if you want to leave me, leave me now, do not let your love grow and begin to killing me slowly.

gue tau, kalo lo baca ini gak bakalan bisa ngerubah semuanya kan? sebelum jam 00:00 nanti gue mau tau jawabannya, FAILED ANNIV or HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HALF A YEAR ? *ga nyangka ya udah half a year :)*

untuk kali ini ga mau terlalu banyak berharap, kalau emang lo udah bener-bener gak peduli sama gue, yaudah tinggalin gue. kalo emang masih, janji sama gue buat ngelupain ini *gak harus juga gapapa kok*
ngapain sih din masih ngarep juga, jelas2 dia udah ga peduli sama lo, *BODO AMAT*

besok kalo gue gak jadi ngurus paspor sama visa gue mau ketemu sama lo mau balikin kabel data dan ngambil helm gue :)

Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

always be yours

I am who I am because of you.

You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life.

I will always be yours.
The best love is the kind that weakens the soul, that makes us reach for more, that plants fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever.

You can't live your life for other people. You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love.
So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day.

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

just a words , nothing change anything ! I KNOW!!

'' Bagi gue di dalam cinta itu ada senyuman ada air mata yang membuat semua ini begitu indah.Gue berharap pada TUHAN,ketika waktu mempertemukan kita kembali, walau bukan hari ini,bulan depan ataupun tahun depan gue masih bisa ngeliat lo tersenyum buat gue , tanpa ada rasa benci di hati lo ''

Kau hadir dalam hidupku dan aku berharap kau tak pernah pergi tuk meninggalkan ku disini sediri. Segala sesuatu yang berasal dari senyuman pada akhirnya hanya akan menyisakan air mata :(. aku tak tau sampai kapan aku akan bernapas, namun yang ku tau,aku akan selallu mencintaimu hingga akhir waktunya.aku memang tidak sempurna, tapi aku selalu belajar menjadi sempurna dihatimu :).aku tidak ingin jadi yang pertama karena akan ada yang kedua atau ketiga, tapi jadikanlah aku yang terakhir dalam hidupmu.DULU kamu selalu membuatku tersenyum, tapi sekarang semua itu harus di bayar dengan tetesan air mata.Jika suatu saat kamu sendiri dan tidak ada yang menemanimu, aku akan selalu ada di sana :). aku tau sekarang aku bukan siapa siapa kamu. dan aku tau aku tidak berarti dalam hidupmu, tapi yg aku tau aku tulus mencintaimu.jika mencintaimu adalah suatu kesalahan , aku gak menyesal karena dari kesalahan itu aku mengenal apa itu cinta :).orang yang tulus mencintaimu adalah orang yang akan membuat kamu mengeluarkan air mata bahagia.kamu tau yang membuatku bertahan? karena sebelum putus, aku pernah berkata '' aku yakin sama kamu'' sampai sekarang pun aku yakin.maaf aku gak pernah bisa jadi yang terbaik di mata kamu, tapi.... sebenernya aku telah berusaha menjadi yang terbaik, walaupun di mata kamu aku selalu salah.